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Leaving EuropeDeparture conditions/formalitiesNorway

Researchers without a formal employer using mobility grants, endowments or the like


If you are going to stay abroad for less than 12 months you will still be considered a resident of Norway and will therefore retain your membership of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme, provided that you had resident status in Norway prior to your departure. However, your entitlements to health care coverage under the National Insurance Scheme will be limited. Therefore, you should take out life insurance, travel insurance, health insurance, property damage insurance, household contents insurance, and personal liability insurance, particularly for stays in non-EU/EEA countries.

If you do not have resident status in Norway at the time of your departure, you will not retain membership of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme. You may apply for voluntary membership, provided that you have strong ties to Norway and that you have lived at least three of the past five years in the country. As a voluntary member, your entitlements to health care coverage will be limited, so you will most likely need private insurance.

Important information

Contact the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) if you have any questions regarding the National Insurance Scheme::